Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 11 - White water rafting with elephants!

We started our second day in Chiang Mai by being picked up by Than, our taxi driver (cheaper than renting a car). First stop - elephant park! We feed many elephants young and old. They like bananas and sugar cane best. Then our elephant trek started - across a river, up a hill and by numerous toll booths. Next we were pulled in a cart by a pair of oxen followed by a river cruise on a bamboo raft. Last but not least we watched an elephant show. Busy day! Wait - we're not done. Just to totally complete the day we went white water rafting - first time for Adam and Heidi. Loads of fun!

Charlee gets a kiss from Charlie
Charlie and Charlee

Posh toilets!

Pretty impressive

A long day

Authentic Thai meal on the riverfront of Chaing Mai

Interesting art galary attached to the restaurant

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