Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 13 Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, White Temple, Golden Triangle

Today we travelled from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai on a tour bus with half a dozen other tourists and a guide named Tik with a good sense of humour (when you could understand him). We made a quick pit stop at a hot water spring before travelling to the White Temple - built by a very rich Thai painter. More interesting than the alter was the intricite paintings on the interior walls of the temple. A very detailed flow of modern influences related to Buddhism Michael Jackson, Angry Bird, Harry Potter, T2, Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, etc.

Click to see more closely -
 look for familiar things!

Beautiful gold building...
...ending up being a washroom!

Next we went to the Golden Triangle via tour boat. It's the vantage point where you can see Thailand, Laos and Myanmar and the independent island where opium was once traded. People would pan for gold in the river to buy some opium hence "The Golden Triangle". We stopped in Laos briefly which was actually nothing more than shopping. It was Charlee and Adam's first experience with children begging. They tell you not to give but it's hard to resist. We gave away all our fruit including a green apple Heidi gave to the smallest kid. He seemed very content and suprisingly no one tried to take it from him!

Purses everywhere!


From here we went to a rather boring village where long neck women live. More shopping and an extra charge to go across the bridge to see the ladies.  We weren't impressed by this stop - very dirty and another excuse to sell junk.


This is a photo of a photo
Tiny dog!

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