Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 23 - Hoi An (not Hanoi)

The train was not so spectacular but got us to Hoi An overnight. Tired but happy to arrive. After being  scammed by our taxi driver, we arrived at our hotel. Nice place with a big room to call home for the next three days.
That's our villa in the background

Adam picking out material for some custom made shorts

Char getting some custom made sandels

Markets of course
We stumbled across a restaurant in the Old Quarter called Miss Ly. The host was an American who married a Vietnamese woman 8 years ago. She and her family have run this restaurant for almost 20 years. It was only the 2nd restaurant in all of Hoi An back then. Today there are well over 100 places to eat but we must have picked the best one. We all agreed this was the best restaurant food on our SE Asia tour by far! We had an amazing beer with drinking for a whopping $32. Not only that but when we couldn't get any money from the ATMs (Sundays they run out of $$$) the American host said we could return the next day to pay the balance!
Fried Wonton - kinda like nachos but much, much better!

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