Sunday, May 27, 2012

Random Thoughts Part 1

So we don't forget the facts, quirks and oddities we witness on our trip...

Vietnam traffic - There’s a real pecking order for traffic especially in Hanoi. Cars reign supreme followed by motobikes, bicycles, and finally pedestrians. Pedestrians either take a leap of faith and hope the vehicles avoid them otherwise they’ll be stuck on the corner all day. Turning left at an intersection is most interesting. The vehicles drive on the right but when it’s time to turn left drivers will often cut the corner on the left before the light turns green and begin travelling against traffic until the can safely cross over to the right. Dave

No Mo’ Money - Hoi An is a cute little town with tailors and restaurants scattered throughout. We were running low on funds one Sunday and decided to go to the nearest ATM. Unfortunately, not a single ATM had any money left - apparently a common occurrence on Sundays. Not so good for tourism! Heidi

Peeking Toms - Charlee and Heidi had an unfortunate experience of having our guides look through the floor boards as they attempted to use the toilet in our tree house on the Gibbon Experience. Charlee told them off and they stopped! Charlee

Negotiations - You had to be careful in Vietnam when haggling with their business people. They would always start high but end up 30-40% lower. It became tiring after a while. Heidi

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