Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 29 Part 2 - Tuol Sleng Museum

After visiting the Killing Field of  Choeung Ek we went to the Tuol Sleng Museum of Genocide. This was a former school turned into a prison where Cambodians were tortured until they were transported to Cheung IK for their murder.

The Gallows


Room after room was filled with photos
of the tortured and murdered

Various methods of torture were depicted 



Tiny brick cells were made
 in each classroom
You can imagine school
children playing at recess

Phnom Penh became a ghost town when Pol Pot
ordered everyone out to the farms


This 10 year old girl's English was unbelievable!
 More info about Tuol Sleng

Needless to say it was a very disturbing for us to visit the Killing Field and Tuol Sleng. 

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