Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 25 - Cruising on our hog

This morning Charlee and Dave attempted a jog in the intense heat. Unfortunatley we made a few wrong turns and were out longer than they wanted. After breakfast, we decided to see more of the Old Town of Hoi An. Known as Faifo to Western traders, from the 17th to 19th centuries it was one of Southeast Asia’s major international ports. Years ago the river silted up and the boats could no longer travel the shallow waters. Hoi An started to revive itself about 15 years ago by bringing in tourism. Read more: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/vietnam/central-vietnam/hoi-an#ixzz1vcIdKna7

Adam and Heidi took out the hotel bikes while Dave and Charlee opted for a scooter. Later in the day we went for a "fitting" at the tailor shop. Tomorrow we head to Ho Chi Minh City!
Japanese covered bridge

Remove the cows...
...and play ball

Just ducky

Adam and Dave found this 5 Star hotel on the beach
(of course Adam couldn't understand why we couldn't stay here!)



  1. Adam and Charlee must've loved the scooter ride. The happy grin tells it all. Cheese Soaetzle for dinner tonight. Yum.

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