Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 9 - Batu caves, Central markets, BBQ

On our final day in KL, Liesbet took Dave, Heidi and Charlee to the Batu Caves - impressive limestone caves used for Hindu festivals and pilgrimages. Adam decided to hang with Jannik as both are into Mine Craft. After the caves we went to the Central markets for some cheap clothing shopping and lunch at Peter Hoe - an original furnishing store that also serves up wonderful lunches. We then finished our final day in KL with a delicious BBQ'd lamb courtesy of Steve and his Weber. We had to say our goodbyes as we had a 4:45 am pickup for the airport!

Much thanks to Liesbet and Steve. We thoroughly enjoyed hanging with them and their kids. Charlee really enjoyed Saskia and Petra's company while Adam and Jannik were inseparable. It was great to catch up with an old uni friend. Hopefully we'll see them again in the near future - perhaps on Canadian soil!

Yes - that is her hair!

It's not a tumor!

Henna for Charlee

Look between the adults!!!



Thank you Steve and Liesbet for a wonderful weekend!

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