Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 8 - Football game, ISKL, Speed Demon, Physical Abuse, Dinner out

We packed it in today. Adam and Dave went to watch Jannick play his football match as well as toss an American Nerf football around. Liesbet took Heidi, Dave and Adam to the International School of Kuala Lumpur where she teaches and Saskia and Petra attend school (Jannik goes to ISKL but a different campus). Beautiful school with amazing facilities (not up to standards says Liesbet). Charlee went for an afternoon of water activity with Saskia (Big Banana, swimming, tubing and kayaking).

Afterwards Steve decided to test my nerves by taking me on a casual car ride in his Porsche 911 Targa. On our way to the highway he informed me that Malaysia has a speed limit but it's not enforced. I would have figured that out when we hit 155 mph once on the highway! (Yes, mph not km/hr!). Never have I gone faster and likely never will I go faster. What a machine the Porsche is - hugs to curves like glue (thankfully).

Once my nerves settled after the car ride,  Liesbet and Steve took us for a traditional Thai massage which involves stretching and deep muscle massage. When your masseuse finds something "wrong" they attack the muscle to try and break down the scar tissue no matter how much you protest or cry. Apparently I had lots "wrong" with me. My masseuse (all 4' of her) took delight in fixing me. Anytime I would moan in agony, she would let out this cute giggle. An hour and a half later the mixture of torture and pleasure was over. Would I go again? Absolutely!

The four of us then went to dinner at ABC before finishing the night at a small trendy night club for a night cap.
Click on the video to see Dave freaking out in a Porsche 911 Targa!
Jannik's team won easily

Yannik and Adam at ISKL

Liesbet and Dave at ISKL


Liesbet and Heidi at ISKL

Charlee spent the day with Saskia and her
friends riding a Big Banana at a nearby lake

Dave and Steve with his beast of a car
Thai massage before
Thai massage after

Dave and Heidi with Twin Towers in background
Entrance to the US Embassy
 Smart Chinese businessman wouldn't sell his property to the US; instead he built the 6 story building in the background - now the US rent the entire building and leave it vacant  for security reasons!
Steve's Porsche 911 Targa
Lots of fancy cars in KL!

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