Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 18 Rain, rain go away

After a long morning downpour we ventured out on bikes to check out the beautiful town of Luang Prabang.

We enjoyed an hour at Big Brother Mouse - a place where students can go to mingle with English speaking tourists to work on their language skills. BBM also sells young children's story books written in both Lao and English. We purchased some to hand out to the village kids.

Nasi Gorang
Shopping heaven

Can you figure out the value of each of these bills?


  1. I couldn't tell you the monetary value of the bills with two numbers on them, but 'In 2011 an online poll by 35,000 people held by CNN International chose Nasi Goreng as the number two of their 'World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods' list after rendang'. Have fun and keep posting. No more short cut overnight 'VIP' but trips ! Happy May 24 long weekend :) W

  2. Cycyling must be fun ... how are the roads ... bump? Try snow instead of rain for a change ... it is soooo cold here ... dressing warm for bike ride with Laura and Markus ... son is coming out finally.

    Adam eating local food ... congratulations. Shopping must be tempting. What does the beer taste like?
