Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 16 Gibbon Experience day 2

All but Adam had trouble sleeping last night. The mosquito "nets" were actually cloth material that did not breathe creating a sauna effect. Dave bailed after 3 minutes and set up his bed outside with all that nature offered. Most concerning was the huge tree next door. It is claimed to be the biggest and oldest tree in Laos. I simply called it the "Bee Tree" for obvious reasons.

Our guide returned with coffee at 6 am. Then off zipping again until 8 when we had breakfast (more rice). Then we packed our bags and zipped (two 700m zips!) and trekked downhill. At the end of our trek was a swimming hole and warm beer waiting for us while we waited for our driver to come.
Morning mist
Adam zipping
Charlee zipping

Leaving our tree house

                                                                             What did you expect in a tree house?

Bamboo forest

Everyone agreed this experience will be tough to beat. We felt like Swiss Family Robinson living in the tree house and were totally wowed with the zipping. The distances and heights likely wouldn't be permitted at home. The lack of safety was a bit concerning but there was no turning back once Charlee and Adam caught sight of the first zip! All in all an awesome family experience we'll talk about for a long time.

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